39. December
29 images

38. Rome
156 images

37. November
24 images

36. Palm Springs And San Diego
We decided to go for a trip to Palm Springs and San Diego with Shay. The weather was great and we really enjoyed our visit there.
200 images

35. My H2 Hummer
9 images

34. Halloween
47 images

33. Seattle arboretum
17 images

32. Four Ice Caves
18 images

31. South 47 Farm
19 images

30. Fall Foliage
37 images

29. September
38 images

28. Baseball
18 images

27. Olympic Peninsula
83 images

26. Oregon
37 images

25. HoodToCoast
51 images

24. August
15 images

23. Mt. Baker-Artists Ridge
52 images

22. Seafair
97 images

21. San Francisco
At the end of July we (Shira, Shay and Hagit) went for a trip to San Francisco area to meet the Vaisblit family. The weather was great and we realy enjoyed…
63 images

20. Mt Rainier Sunrise
28 images
19. Mid July
On the 15th we celebrated Ben's 2nd birthday. As you can see from the pictures bellow, we tried enjoying the warm days we had in July. We went to one of…
53 images
18. Vancouver Victoria
42 images
17. Mt. Rainier and Portland
At the begining of July we went for a weekend to see mount Rainier, Portland and Multnomah Falls at the Columbia River Gorge. Multnomah Falls is the second…
65 images
16. 4th of July
18 images
15. Lake Chelan Camping
We started July with our first family camping at Lake Chelan (which is located about 3 hours north east of Redmond). On the first day we got to the campground,…
69 images
14. Tomer And Yael Farewell
11 images
13. Shira's 5th BDay
37 images
12. Shira's Ballet
25 images
11. June Street Picnic
11 images
10. Shira's Graduation
29 images
09. June
13 images
08. Lake Chelan
26 images
07. Mother's day
20 images
06. May
24 images
05. Israeli Independence Day
13 images
04. Israel
3/4 of the family went for a trip to Israel. We stayed there for 3 weeks and had lots of fun. The weather was great, we went for a trip to Eilat, celebrated…
125 images
03. Purim
12 images
02. Washington D.C
The following pictures were taken from a short trip (4 days) of Yaniv to Washington D.C.
46 images
01. January February
20 images